Featured Speaker – Dr. Alan Spicciati & Cindi Blansfield, Auburn School District Leadership

Featured Speaker – Dr. Alan Spicciati & Cindi Blansfield, Auburn School District Leadership
Dr. Alan Spicciati, Superintendent, Auburn School District
Alan Spicciati is a graduate of the University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music, with a double major in music education and performance. He earned his Master’s Degree from the University of Washington’s Danforth Educational Leadership Program, and his Superintendent certification and Doctor of Education at Seattle Pacific University. He served as a teacher, principal, administrator and interim superintendent at Highline Public Schools prior to being named Auburn’s superintendent in July, 2015.
Dr. Spicciati has a clear vision for Auburn’s future and a deep respect and understanding for the strong foundational work in the Auburn School District. His connection to the community and his awareness of the community’s history and culture serves us well.
Dr. Spicciati has a breadth of experience as K-12 instructional leader, including vast experience supervising and leading secondary schools. He has a passion for working with families from all communities and values partnerships with community organizations and businesses.
He is a member of Rotary, is on the Communities in Schools Advisory Board, Cities in Schools board and spent many years involved in Little League. He loves the Auburn community and works passionately on behalf of the students of the Auburn School District. Dr. Spicciati and his wife Shannon live in Auburn and have two sons in college.